RM | Capital

RM | Capital

RM | Capital

RM | Capital

Capital Raising
Help companies connect with the largest and most important institutional investors covering the region.
Identify the optimal financing structure.
Negotiation of terms with investors, including with respect of tenor/maturity of the Notes, appropriate amortization profile, interest rate, covenant package, as well as efficient guarantee structure.
Structuring, documentation and coordination of relevant parties to meet a defined timeline.
Liability Management / Restructuring
Advice companies through “special situations” and help them restructure the terms of its debt, including re-profile debt amortizations, address covenant compliance issues and right-sizing the debt to provide for the right capital structure, with the aim to ultimately preserve the most value for all of the Company’s stakeholders.
Some of the services that we provide include the following:
- Assessment of the right capital structure
- Evaluation of strategic alternatives
- Negotiation of amendments / covenant relief
- Distress capital raising (subordinated or mezzanine debt, rescue/DIP financing, etc.)